Boost Networking Breakfast

Boost Networking Breakfast

You are invited to the St Austell Bay Chamber of Commerce 'Boost' Networking Breakfast

The next 'breakfast boost' meeting will be held at Sam's Diner, Cornucopia Cornwall, St Austell Stadium retail park, Par Moor Road, Par, PL25 3RP on Friday 19th May 2017.  08:00 - 09.30
This months guest speaker will be Malcolm Ball, Chief Executive Officer for Cornucopia Cornwall, who will be giving us a short 10 minute presentation about 'Cornucopia'.

Purpose of the meeting:

  • To give local business owners/representatives an opportunity to "showcase" their company
  • To connect with other local businesses to find new opportunities/contacts
  • To offer help and advice to new business "start ups" and give them an opportunity to meet and work with existing local companies
  • To meet like-minded people intent on improving their business profile along with the profile of the St Austell Bay area
  • To encourage a networking culture thereby improving communication and cooperation between local businesses

How does it work?

  • Attendees will be invited to give a short (1 minute) presentation of their business to all present explaining: -
    • What they do
    • How they can help you with your business
    • How they would like you to help them
  • You also have an opportunity to leave your contact details/promotional material with all attendees
  • The whole event, although strictly controlled during formal proceedings, will be an informal networking event followed by a breakfast

The cost of attending is just £7. 
Please let Caroline know if you have any special dietary requirements.  
For more information please contact Caroline at

If you would like to invite your business friends then please do, this is a great opportunity for them to come and see how the Chamber can help and support them.  Everybody welcome.

Boost Networking Breakfast